Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Software Review: Scrivener

In trying to think about something to blog about, I found another list of blog post ideas: 101 Killer Blog Post Ideas: http://thebacklight.com/101-blog-post-ideas/

And there, on number three, was "Review Software".

How did they know??  I downloaded Scrivener's trial version and have been using it for the past three days.  So, let me tell you about Scrivener.

First, it's fairly easy to use.  It can be used as a word processor and it can import and export to several other word processors.  It can also export a file into .pdf and the different ebook formats.

It's also a notecard program, as simple to use as Supernotecard. And it toggles BACK AND FORTH between the notecard and the wordprocessor.  It also takes those notecards and sets them up in a really nice outline form.  Although I don't outline before I write, I find that outlining *while* I write helps me to figure things out.

Do I like it enough to buy it?  Yes, in fact, I'll probably buy it this weekend.

Note: If you "won" nano, go to the nano site: www.nanowrimo.org  For Winners, there's a code to get 50% off a copy of the Scrivener program, but you need to have won and validated your story.

photo by Flickr user Cranium, used under the creative commons license

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